My first post - Who I am.

Hello to all the lovely people who found the way to my little blog about my most beloved thing to do in the world - knitting.
I also crochet and sew and love colors and just being creative, which can be found all over my apartment. But the thing i love to do most ist just knitting.
I´m not a grandma, even though i learned knitting from her, I was´t forced in school to learn it for class just because I´m a girl. I fell in love with it, because it gave me the freedom to live my creativity openly.
I was always a creator. I always had a very, very good imagination, dreaming at a young age about traveling the world, seeing places, get to know other cultures ans especially their art. I would lent books from our public library by the dozen about traveling, art, history and their art and about how to draw and paint.
When i was younger, i loved to draw and paint. I could sit for hours in my room i shared with my sister, down on the carpet, laying on my belly, all sorts of colored pencils and pens and watercolor around me and just paint. Sometimes it got so quiet, my mom would come into the room, just to see if i was still there and everything was ok.
I was painting for many years before I learned how to knit, it was my outlet with all the things going on in a kids world when you grow up and think they are the most important, the most scary or most horrible things that could happen in your small world.
I learned to knit with 10 years old from my grandmother for a school project. We had to knit several squares, sew them together, stuff them and make it look like a teddy bear.
I wanted to make most of the tasks, so in the end it looked more like a teddy bear on a LSD trip than a cute little bear but i still remember the feeling i had when i finished it. Proud and happy at the same time. Proud because i finished something i started and happy because i could let my creativity run wild. I created something! Since this moment i was hooked.
I didn´t knit again until i was 21 and moved out from home and into my own first apartment, most of the years in between i did paint a lot for my creative outlet, but when i moved out i did´t wan´t to bring all my painting equipment to my small apartment and because of my new job, i haven´t had the time at night either to paint.
So slowly but surely my creative outlet got lost, i got caught in the 9-5 buzz of the working life. The summer came and went and when the autumn arrived i went looking for my scarfs and hats i brought with me when i moved out looked more like it was supposed to be for a teenager than for a young woman.
So i went looking for a scarf and a hat after work in the city where i used to work and could´t find anything i liked. I came by a yarn store and liked their display of new winter yarn and colors. I thought to myself, I know how to cast on and knit a simple knit stitch, why should´t i try.
So i bought my first circular needle, yarn in a color i fancied at that time and made myself a simple scarf and a simple hat.
I remembered how much fun it was and how good it made me feel when finishing a project. Since this day i did´t put down my needles once. I taught myself a lot out of books and trail and error, later i used youtube a  lot for instructions and over the years i got better and better and more experienced.
I could knit from the moment i open my eyes to the moment i close my eyes. I think i can best explain the feeling by a movie scene from one of my favorite movies, Sister Act 2.
There’s a great scene in the movie Sister Act 2 when Whoopi Goldberg hands Lauryn Hill a book and tells her, “I went to my mother who gave me this book…called Letters to a Young Poet. Rainer Maria Rilke. He’s a fabulous writer. A fellow used to write to him and say, ‘I want to be a writer. Please read my stuff.’ And Rilke says to this guy: ‘Don’t ask me about being a writer. If when you wake up in the morning you can think of nothing but writing…then you’re a writer.’”
In other words, if you knit or crochet, you’re a knitter or crocheter.


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